Thursday, September 7, 2017

Back to School

The first day of school is always bittersweet for me. My girls are so wonderful, but there seems to come a point every summer where they start bickering over every little thing - I think it probably is just a result of too much togetherness. It's funny - August rolls around, and I start feeling sad that summer has gone so quickly, and I'm not ready for them to go back yet. Then inevitably one day, soon after I start feeling like that they start bickering and I know that it's time. We got lucky, and that day wasn't until heir very last week of summer break. By the time they really started getting sick of each other, school started up.

Leila is in fifth grade this year. (SOB!) She is such an incredible little student: 

My little Coco is in second grade (again, SOB!) and also an incredible student!

They are such great girls! I am incredibly lucky to be their mama!!

Have your kiddos started school yet?! How are they adjusting to the new year?

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