Friday, March 24, 2017

Three Things

1. This adorable "face vase" that I got randomly enough from Orchard Supply Hardware when Tony and I were shopping for flowers. I can't find it online to link for you guys, but it was only $5.99 in the outdoor garden section, tucked in with other vases. HERE is a similar one from target (which I also have) but it's quite a bit smaller. I'm using the one from OSH for my makeup brushes ;)

2. I saw "The Sleep Styler" on Shark Tank and am DYING to try them!! They are supposed to dry and style your hair while you sleep, and I'm intrigued. Has anyone tried them? I would love to hear your thoughts!

3. The Whole Foods beauty sale!! It only happens once a year and it's on now (through March 28.) Makeup and skincare are 25% off, and they have so many hidden gems! I am actually taking over the Whole Foods Tri-Valley instagram today and tomorrow (follow HERE) so please say hello! Below is their limited edition beauty bag filled with goodies. It's retailing for $18, but worth over $90. If you want one RUN to your nearest Whole Foods!

What are YOUR three things this week??

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