Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Getting back on track

(If you follow me on Instagram, the beginning of this is a re-post)

So, I had to physically put my scale out of reach, because I was starting to weigh myself way too
often again and it was messing with my head. While I don't regret that decision, I do regret that I let my healthy eating habits and gym time slip over the summer. I started working, the girls were home all summer, it's fire season in California so my husband was gone a lot of the summer, excuses, excuses, excuses. 😬 In all truthfulness, I have had a really hard time finding a balance over the last few months, and it is something I am desperately trying to get back. I have recommitted myself to health, and wellness and I am taking it on head first, once again. Today I started a 24 day challenge with Advocare to really just get a jumpstart on things. I did the same challenge a year and a half ago when I got serious about my health and really enjoyed it. Anyways, thank you so much to all of you who have checked in with me over the summer asking how things are going with my fitness and health goals. I am back on track, so thank you all for helping me stay accountable!

I did sign up to be an Advocare distributor. I've done the full challenge once before - it was what really helped kick start my overall weight loss - and love the product. Knowing that I wanted to the challenge now, and probably again after the holidays it was cost-effective for me to do so. Please know that I'm not pushing anything, but if you'd like to check out their products or more information on the 24-day challenge you can here.

Day one is done, and I feel great. I had turkey sausage and wheat toast for breakfast, followed by a great workout. Raw nuts and strawberries throughout the day for snack, cauliflower rice with ground turkey, bell peppers, onions and salsa for lunch and THIS for dinner. Tony and the girls had dinner in tortillas, with cheese and while I'm not going to say I didn't want the cheese too, it was really good on it's own! Anyways, I know what I've got to do to get and stay on track. But I'm human. Summer was a time that I let a little too loose, but I'm back now ;)

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