Friday, July 29, 2016

Three Things

1. If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area, you must hit up the Yves St. Laurent counter on Saturday (7.30.16) at the downtown San Francisco Nordstrom store. They are having a huge event from 11:00 - 6:00, showcasing their brand new lip vinyls, YSL's new perfume "Mon Paris", selfie station, Lip Readings, awesome gift with purchase, full makeup applications, and my friend Gloria, who I used to work with back at Nordstrom will be there. She is truly *the* most talented artist I've ever had the pleasure of working with! If you are free on Saturday, that is the place to be!! You can walk in, but with all the excitement of that day I would make an appointment to be safe.  You can call the store at 415.243.8500

One of YSL's international artists, Cong Liang will be there as well. Let me know if you can make it - it sounds like an amazing day!

2. 17 Genius Cooking tricks. Some of these are brilliant - any that you currently use??

3. The #loveyourspouse challenge on Facebook. I've been tagged quite a few times, but have mostly ignored it. I finally gave in and have loved looking at our old pictures, but everyone else's. SO fun! Have you participated in that one yet?

Those are my three things for the week, what are YOURS??

design + development by kelly christine studio