Tuesday, November 10, 2015

What's Up, November?

What's up, November? You're one of my very favorite months, and I'm so happy you're finally here. This month (as with every November) the following things will happen:

  • I'll hustle to get all of the Halloween decorations put away on November 1, so I can promptly decorate for Thanksgiving.
  • I'll later hustle to get all of my Thanksgiving decorations put away, so I can get all of my Christmas decorations up.
  • I'll try my hardest not to listen to Christmas music until the day after Thanksgiving, but I'll probably cheat and listen to at least a couple songs early, but only if it's one of my favorites.
  • I'll shop til I drop the day after Thanksgiving
  • I will try every seasonal coffee drink at Peet's, Starbucks and whatever coffee shop I happen to be at that has something new and Christmas-y. I will complain that it's too sweet, and about half way through the month I'll get smart and start ordering my drinks with half the syrup.
  • I'll bite off WAY more than I can chew, and say yes to entirely too many things. I will spend more than one night up until just a few hours before my alarm goes off thinking about all the things I have to do, and how I'll get them done. This will continue all through December.
  • I'll start bundling up like an eskimo, even though the low for the day is in the 60's. That's California freezing, you guys.
  • I will crank the heater up way too high on the nights my husband is working, because (again) California freezing.
  • After Thanksgiving (but before the start of December) we will drive to Apple Hill to get a Christmas tree. Tony and I will talk about how the drive is SO long for a Christmas tree, and maybe we should stick closer to home next year. But next year we will go to Apple Hill. And the year after, and the year after....
  • I'll start burning a pumpkin-y scented candle from the second I wake up, to the second I go to bed.
  • I'll put flannel sheets on all of the beds, and make them so cozy that it's extra hard to wake up in the mornings.
  • Soup will be on heavy rotation at dinner, and my crockpot will get so much use that it's practically live on the counter tops. 
  • I'll reflect on the many things I have in my life to be grateful for.
What are some of the things YOU do every November?

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