Monday, June 22, 2015

Mani Monday - Neon + Stripes

Happy Mani Monday!

First off - sorry for the lack of posts around these parts. The end of the school year and beginning of Summer is always hectic for us. Between end of the year parties, three separate dance recitals (each with their own full weeks of crazy rehearsal schedules) and finally the girls being home means I have less time to blog (or do anything really!)

Anyways, onto Mani Monday. I'm loving this look. It's a little sloppy because I did it quickly, but I'm still loving it. The main color is #6 by Pretty Please Polish. The white is Alpine Snow and the black for the stripes were done with the Sally Hansen nail art pen in black. (The Sally Hansen nail art pens are awesome!!)

What are you rocking this week? And how is your summer going so far??

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design + development by kelly christine studio