Friday, March 6, 2015

Three Things

1. My new, simplified, cleaned up blog layout, thanks to my beautiful friend Kelly of Kelly Christine Studios and Dear Lovely blog. (If you haven't checked out her amazing blog, hop on it!!) My new design is everything I was hoping for and more!! What do you guys think of it??

2. The history of duets with Jimmy Fallon and Kelly Clarkson. Is there anything Jimmy Fallon CAN'T do? I think not. Enjoy:

3.FITBIT!!! I don't think I mentioned it on the blog, but on Facebook I mentioned how I lost my Fitbit (only a few days after posting about how much it was helping me, lol!) Anyways, I emailed their customer service asking if they offered any sort of a refund to buy a second, after losing my first and (long story short) they are sending me a brand new one. They totally didn't have to, losing it was 100% my fault, but they are. They have gained a fan for life in me!

Those are MY three things - what are yours?? And do you have any fun plans this weekend? Saturday will be spent at the softball fields most of the day, and Sunday is Coco's ballerina birthday party. A busy weekend, but a fun one! What about you??

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design + development by kelly christine studio