1. Julep! I love all of their products and am currently deciding what color to paint my nails (so come back Monday!) I also love giveaways. And instagram. If you're not following me on there, you probably should be......hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge ;)
2. Chandelier by Sia, especially the video. Particularly because Coco is so obsessed with it. Yes, I know the girl does some creepy weird faces, but the dancing is mesmorizing! Coco watches the video and mimics the dance moves, and tries to recreate them. She even asked her teacher to play it this week at dance, and Coco was feeling the music, and dancing her little heart out!
3. Speaking of Coco, this picture cracks me up. I took it right before her dance class the other day, right after she stole the scarf off my neck!
What are your three things??