Tuesday, August 19, 2014

lazy days of summer

Summer is in it's final stretch for us, and I'm equally parts sad and excited that the girls start school next week.

This summer has been wonderful  - we've kept busy with swimming, the library, time with friends, dance camps, golf camps (for Leila) and doing things all over the Bay Area. The last couple of weeks, though the girls have started fighting a little more, and I know it's a result of so much togetherness. They're both excited to go back to school, and I know the year ahead will be great.

I will miss our lazy, Summer days, though.

I probably won't miss the constant mess of toys all over ;) This was the girl's zoo:

I will miss relaxed family breakfasts at the table, though. Coco requested "yummy, sweet pancakes" when she spotted peanut butter chips at Trader Joe's, so I obliged.

 Leila requested eating off of "the super fancy plates" so I also obliged:

(I will also miss the constant dress up!)

I will miss most afternoons being spent at the pool:

 And peach-picking:

 And all of the amazing outdoor festivals that seem to happen all Summer long:

But I am excited to get back into a routine. To get back to the gym, and to be able to work smarter not harder (how come the girls NEEEEEEED me the second I sit down to get my work done?! It's not just mine, right?)

I hope you all had a wonderful Summer, and made some beautiful memories!


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