Story of My Life by One Direction. I am so NOT ashamed of how much I love One Direction. And as much as I love them, Coco loves them even more. She loooooooves her some Harry!
Pompeii by Bastille. This song caught my attention the first time I heard it on the radio. It is SO good - the entire cd is a pretty good one!
Unconditionally by Katy Perry. This song took some time to grow on me, but I'm a big fan now.
Young Girls by Bruno Mars. Sigh. Bruno Mars can do no (musically) wrong in my book. He is insanely talented, and I truly adore every single one of his songs. This is just my current #1 by him. So, so good!!
Through the Dark. Also by One Direction. Like I said, no shame in my game. Boy bands FOREVER!!!
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