Friday, September 6, 2013

Three Things

1. My little reader. This girl loves to read, just like her mama! And she always reads with her "real fake glasses" on ;)

2. THIS mascara. I've raved about it on instagram, but think I haven't mentioned it yet on the blog. It is amazing!! I've loved mascaras before, but this is truly the best I've ever sued (so far!) Buy it. You will love it, trust me!

3. Baby shower prep! I've had a crazy week, but adding to the (fun) crazy is lots of baby shower prep. I'm throwing my Sister-in-law a shower tomorrow, and am so excited!

What are YOUR three things?? Let me know, and have a great weekend!


Chrissy said...

A new job, good news on the phone an hour ago and that the weekend is here! Have an awesome baby shower!
Happy Friday xxx

Blush and Barbells said...

My three things are a new job, P90X, and central AC!

Abby said...

Aww, the "real fake glasses" are adorable... that was so me when I was younger- total bookworm! The color palette for the baby shower looks awesome... I'd love to see what crafts you create! :)

Happy Weekend!

xo, Abby @ Always, Abby

Why Girls Are Weird said...

I've been on the hunt for a new mascara, I'll have to try this. Thanks lady, happy weekend!


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