Friday, June 21, 2013

three things

1. THIS song. I've loved it since I first started hearing it on the radio, but now I am slightly obsessed. I adore the lyrics, the message, the video, everything about it. (Loving this print, made from my favorite lyric)

2. Chobani flips. Dang, these are SO flipping good! (Pun inteneded) ;) The coconut chocolate one is my favorite, but it's not super low-cal, so I have it every once in a while for a dessert. They are all amazing!

3. THIS shirt by Passive Juice Motel. I saw the shirt and instantly had the theme song to "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" stuck in my head....not necessarily a bad thing! The girls need it, and I wish it came in my size too. The whole store is awesome!

What are YOUR three things?? Be sure to let me know in the comments section! Leila's dance recital is this weekend, so we have a  busy couple days ahead, but are excited. I hope you all have a great weekend too!


  1. This shirt is so cool and perfectly suits the summer. My things are mangoes, my new flats and a new blog design haha.

  2. I love that shirt, I just messaged the owner of the store to see if she could do adult!

  3. That tank top is AWESOME!


  4. OMG love the song and video, totally needed that today!


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