Spring is finally here, and you know what that means - SUMMER will be here before you know it!!
To help you kick off the warm weather season, some blogger friends and I would like to give you a head start on planning for your next beach getaway and new bikini.
21 Amazing Bloggers
1 Winner: $300 Travelocity Hotel Gift Card + $100 Victoria's Secret Gift Card
1 Mandatory Entry + lots of bonus entries
There is just one mandatory entry and that is to leave a comment below telling me "where you would go on your beach vacay". The rest are bonus entries and totally up to you!
Sometimes I receive products and/or services compliments of various companies. I go out of my way to only share products I love and think my readers will too.
I also am part of a few affiliate programs. This means if you purchase an item from a link I provide, I might receive a small commission. Again, I only share products and services that I would personally use and think are a good fit for my readers.
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