My thirtieth birthday is rapidly approaching (May 16, to be exact!) and for some reason that number is freaking me out a bit. I know "30 is the new 20" and I'm still super young, but something about the big 3-0 makes me feel like a full-on grown up. (Apparently the husband, the kids and the house weren't enough.)
Anyways, Tony and I aren't big gift-givers, but I think I deserve something pretty for my thirtieth, right? This is the list I'll be emailing him. (Click on any product, or the small pictures below to be taken directly to their links.)

Anyways, Tony and I aren't big gift-givers, but I think I deserve something pretty for my thirtieth, right? This is the list I'll be emailing him. (Click on any product, or the small pictures below to be taken directly to their links.)

Hope you have a wonderful birthday.. you dont look a day over 24!! :)
I just celebrated my 27th April 11th and my fave gift was a kindle fire!!
xo, Jamie
All are great picks and I'd love to receive any of them! I really want the Tarte lipstick too (since I didn't get it in my darn GlossyBox either!)
Smart n Snazzy
I love this birthday wish list! i want one of each thing also!! I still get presents and i hope to always get present!!
I love this birthday wish list! i want one of each thing also!! I still get presents and i hope to always get present!!
I turn 29 this year and I'm panicking already - its not till July - that it's my last 20's birthday. Can only imagine how I'll be next year. My guy and I still do birthday gifts because we don't do Christmas - all Christmas money goes towards a vacation for just the two of us - no kiddos or extras allowed!
Memoirs & Mochas
thirty IS the new twenty! and now i'm dying for those two middle shades of nail polish :)
-Emma from
Um yeah, I'll be 30 May 13th and I'm totally freaking out. I'm in the process of picking a lavish gift to distract myself from the big 3-0. :/ At least misery loves company, right?!? ;)
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