Look familiar? This is a re-post from Saturday. Hello, I Love You posts will now be on Tuesdays. I hope you'll link up!
{Hello, I love you!} A pretty, little collection of things I love. Served up fresh, every Saturday
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{Hello, I love you!} A pretty, little collection of things I love. Served up fresh, every Saturday
HILY is moving to Tuesdays. Schedule for this month is:
Tues 2/21 HILY: Sun {re-post}
Tues 2/28 HILY: Green
Tues 3/6 HILY: Dessert
Tues 3/13 HILY: Glitter
Tues 2/21 HILY: Sun {re-post}
Tues 2/28 HILY: Green
Tues 3/6 HILY: Dessert
Tues 3/13 HILY: Glitter
Link up rules:
- Please link to a specific post on your blog - not your blog's main page. You are free to link up a recipe, DIY post, something that made your heart happy or your own version of Hello, I Love You. I can't wait to visit your blog and check it out!
- Link up is open to all, but I'd love you forever if you became a follower of this blog, and maybe even grabbed a button, designed by the fabulous Kimmie of Sugar and Dots. (left sidebar)
- After you've linked up visit and comment on other blogs! Let's all get to know each other a little better!
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This list will close in 5 days, 11 hrs, 57 min (2/24/2012 9:59 PM CST)