Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What WE Wore Wednesday


Top & Cardigan: Forever 21
Ring: Angel Face Designs
Necklace: Stella & Dot

Saturday. Stuck indoors (again!) with a sick baby. I had no makeup on, but put some lipstick on for the picture, and I'm now realizing how goofy I looked with no makeup except lipstick. Whoops!

Cardigan: Forever 21
Tee & Jeans: Old Navy
Slippers: Target (as seen here)

Top, skinny cords and shoes: all baby Gap
Glasses: 3-d ones from the movie theater with the lenses popped out

PS - have you entered the awesome giveaway from Top That! Designs yet? Make sure to grab that free subway art too!


joen said...

Hey you look pretty darn good on Saturday at least you managed to get dressed and brush your hair! That's an accomplishment when you have a sick baby!

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

You look lovely even without makeup. {much better than I look without makeup!} ;)

Kim said...

You don't need make up, girl!! And your little girl is adorable. I love her outfit. Skinny cute!! Would love for you to come link up to Trendy Tots at

Unknown said...

you and your girl ARE. ADORABLE!

what little fashionista she is!

Unknown said...

First, I am LOVING those slippers!! AND I really love the color in your bathroom! ;) Stopping by from WIWW!

Anonymous said...

That is one stylish little lady! I love those glasses on her - so cool!

Kristen said...

adorbs... both of you.

leila in those glasses... awesome. her pink pants are crazy cute!

Tara said...

if thats what you look like after taking care of sick kids all day...can i BE you, please??!!!


design + development by kelly christine studio