Thursday, January 5, 2012


Do you make New Year's resolutions? I usually don't, but this year I jotted down a handful.

  • Make more meals from scratch. I don't mind cooking, but it's the clean up afterwards I hate. This hinders me from making more meals from scratch, but this year I'm going to try to power through the clean up.
  • Wear red lipstick. This is kind of a silly one, but I love seeing women in red lipstick. I feel like women who wear red lipstick are generally more put-together and ooze confidence. I want to be one of them.
  • Smash book. I bought a smash book a while ago, and really want to start doing it. I used to scrapbook before I had the girls, and this, along with My Memories seems like a great way to easily scrapbook the simple everyday moments in our lives.
  • Get healthier. Pretty self explanatory.
  • Walk the dogs more. It's hard to go on a walk with two kids, and two dogs but we need to try and get the pups out more. They love it, and it is so good for them.
  • Be more patient. This is a big one for me. I am desperately trying to be more patient, not only with my children (and husband) but life in general.
Do you have any resolutions this year? xo!

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