Today I have a fun giveaway for you from Moonstone Designs! There is a wonderful story behind this company, which specializes in adorable animal hats, but I will let Kristen, the creator tell you in her own words:
"I have been creating and selling as a side job for many years, but the fleece animal hats really started after my 5 year old had brain surgery and a shunt placement in the spring of 2010. We spent an entire month at the hospital and when it was time to leave, his hair was gone, he had horrific scars, and a bump from the shunt. I really didn't like having to explain to everyone in the grocery store why his head look liked that! People really couldn't help stare. So, I started making fleece animal hats for him. They turned out amazing and I kept making new designs, people really liked them, and then I started selling them. I now sell them around the world. I keep making them for my kids and because I love to see people wearing the hats and having a great time. They are the perfect mix of function and fun."
"I continue to be connected to the Seattle Children's hospital and I regularly send hats to children there as well. On my site, you can purchase a hat at a discount and I will send it directly to a child at Seattle Children's Hospital on your behalf, or to the hospital of your choice!"
Amazing, right? Today, Kristen is offering you one adorable animal hat of your choice!
How do you win? It's easy - mandatory entry: head on over to the Moonstone Designs shop and tell me what catches your eye. Not only are there awesome animal hats, but some beautiful jewelry as well! Leave a comment on this post letting me know what you can't live without. Second (optional) entry - go "like" the Moonstone Designs Facebook fan page, and let her know I sent you. Come back here and leave a comment telling me you did. Third (optional) entry - become a public follower of this blog. Leave a comment letting me know you are!
Giveaway will run for one week, and the winner will be announced next Tuesday, June 20. Good luck!
"I have been creating and selling as a side job for many years, but the fleece animal hats really started after my 5 year old had brain surgery and a shunt placement in the spring of 2010. We spent an entire month at the hospital and when it was time to leave, his hair was gone, he had horrific scars, and a bump from the shunt. I really didn't like having to explain to everyone in the grocery store why his head look liked that! People really couldn't help stare. So, I started making fleece animal hats for him. They turned out amazing and I kept making new designs, people really liked them, and then I started selling them. I now sell them around the world. I keep making them for my kids and because I love to see people wearing the hats and having a great time. They are the perfect mix of function and fun."
"I continue to be connected to the Seattle Children's hospital and I regularly send hats to children there as well. On my site, you can purchase a hat at a discount and I will send it directly to a child at Seattle Children's Hospital on your behalf, or to the hospital of your choice!"
Amazing, right? Today, Kristen is offering you one adorable animal hat of your choice!
How do you win? It's easy - mandatory entry: head on over to the Moonstone Designs shop and tell me what catches your eye. Not only are there awesome animal hats, but some beautiful jewelry as well! Leave a comment on this post letting me know what you can't live without. Second (optional) entry - go "like" the Moonstone Designs Facebook fan page, and let her know I sent you. Come back here and leave a comment telling me you did. Third (optional) entry - become a public follower of this blog. Leave a comment letting me know you are!
Giveaway will run for one week, and the winner will be announced next Tuesday, June 20. Good luck!