Monday, March 21, 2011

Awesome Giveaway: Haute Blue B!

Remember all of the awesome decorations and cupcake toppers from Gianna's birthday post?  Those were all done by amazing friend, Erin of Haute Blue B who is hosting today's awesome giveaway.  Holla!

Hi! I am Erin from Bringing Up Burns and Haute Blue B! I am married to my best friend and together we are having a blast raising 3 little loves. Life is loud, messy and going by way too fast! But I do my best to find joy in the chaos and make the most of each and every moment.

I love handmade for many reasons. Because it's unique. Because it's special. Because it's quality. Because it supports other crafters. Because it's a piece of someone's heart...But most of all I love handmade because of all the wonderful people I have met since I started making buying handmade a priority. Heather being one of them! The handmade community has offered me opportunities to learn, grow, and be inspired by some amazing talents. And in turn, I have had opportunities to teach, develop and share my talents with others. I am always happy when I am creating. Whether that be in the kitchen, on my sewing machine, or for an event. But I am my happiest when creating also equals comeraderie and common good. Handmade makes that possible!

I'd love for you to come take a whirl around my shop! "Hot Blue" is what my girls nicknamed my favorite color (Turquoise) when they were itty bitty. And ever since, it's stuck. B is one of my initials, as well as my favorite letter to write. I love to plan parties and create all the little handmade touches that make an event special.  Haute Blue B is party and whimsy and chic and FUN all wrapped up into handmade happiness. I fall a little bit in love with each item I create. I hope you do too!
Come visit Haute Blue B's blog: HauteBlueB And you can get to know me better on my family blog: BringingUpBurns  And cause sometimes I can't sleep at night, I also write a recipe blog: HautePlates

Today I and so excited to give away a Personalized Party Inspiration Board and a $25 gift certificate to HauteBlueB... AND! For all of Heather's sweet readers, use code IHEARTAFD thru Friday for 25% off your entire purchase in the shop. I hope your day is HAUTE!
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Told you it was an awesome giveaway, didn't I?  You have three chances to win.  First - leave a comment on this post telling me what you'll use your gift certificate on!  Second, go visit Erin's blog, and become a follower (leave her some comment love, because - hello - we all love it!)  Third - become a public follower of my blog (if you aren't already) and leave a comment letting me know.  Make sure to leave a seperate comment for each one.

Even if you don't win, though - we're all winners with that HUGE discount code!!  My mom is hosting Easter this year and I think she needs to order these stat! (Hear that, mom?)  Lucky winner will be announced next Tuesday, March 29.  Good luck!

design + development by kelly christine studio