My husband thinks I'm crazy. You might too. We have a monitor in Gianna's room, with a receiver in our bedroom and one in the front room. And here's why he thinks I'm crazy - I still have a monitor in Leila's (3 1/2) room - and receivers in our room and the front room as well. She doesn't need it in there, but I do. As soon as she goes to bed for a nap or the night I turn the monitor on. I tried turning it off a few nights ago and couldn't sleep. Maybe I need the white noise? Maybe I'm just paranoid. (that's the more likely answer)
How long did you have a monitor in your kiddo's room? How did you know when it was time to take it out? Am I crazy?
I wish I still had a monitor in Carter's room! A few weeks ago, I loaned it to my sister-in-law, and she lost it. She was having a garage sale, and it mistakenly got thrown out. She offered to buy us another one, but I couldn't really justify the expense given that he doesn't need one and they have too many other more important expenses than for us to make them buy us another one. I miss it though and think the whole situation really sucks! My plan was to keep it in Carter's room until he asked me to remove it - I'd say the same for Leila. :-)
I have never used one! BUT I still check on all the kids several times a night :)
Z (4) & G (2) had a monitor in their room until 3 days ago. I am just paranoid. I even close their window at night when I go to bed cause I am paranoid.
i dont think you're crazy at all. i will probably have a monitor in brady's room until he's 12. haha!
honestly though, i am *extremely* paranoid. i have all these irrational fears about someone coming through brady's window and taking him (his window is at the front of the house, which is what makes me this way) and i feel like if something were happening, i could hear it through the monitor and stop it. yes, i am completely crazy and insane. and i watch way too much dateline.
i often wonder if i will ease up with #2, although i highly doubt it. my personality by nature is a "worry wart".
I have video monitors for my 2 and almost 4 year-olds. I don't plan on taking them out until they break, or until they need privacy. I can see who is sleeping or being naughty!
I think that once my oldest was big enough to get out of bed on his own and come to my room, we took it out. But it was hard not to hear his every move! I think that you just have to do what makes you comfortable :)
I don't think you're crazy at all (or if your crazy I'm crazy too)! It is such a "dad thing" to think that the momma's are being crazy, or paranoid, but in all honesty I think that they just don't get it. Keep them in there as long as YOU feel comfortable.
I took Kellen's monitor out when he turned 4 about 6 months ago. Every night before I go to bed, I walk in and put my hand on him until I feel him breathe. And if I wake up in the middle of the night, I go and and check that he is breathing. Not crazy, just a Momma :)
I still have moniters in my kids rooms and they are 4,5. My 5 year olds I only turn on when he's sick ( bad asthma) but my 4 yro I have in the hall way upstairs and I turn it on at night when I am down stairs to hear them get out of bed, so I am right there with ya :)
I still have a monitor in Mason's room. Only recently have I stopped turning the receivers on the majority of the time. Him having asthma, on the rough days I keep it on. It's been used so much that one of the dual receivers we have refuses to hold a charge, so that one is on my nightstand plugged in.
I stopped using a monitor with each girl at about 9 months because they are so loud we can hear them without monitors. The monitors were keeping both Kevin & I up at night, so that is why we got rid of them! (Both girls have white noise machines in their rooms and they were SO loud over the monitors) I do check on them several times at night.
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