My little dress-up girl said that her favorite thing she got yesterday was her Minnie Mouse outfit:
Then we went to get some "girl coffee" (more commonly known as kid's hot chocolate from Starbucks) and then she asked if we could get hash browns for breakfast (such a treat!) so we took her to Nations. Then I told her that she and I had a fun birthday girl date while daddy did some work around the house (currently turning our computer room into a nursery!) and off we went for a Princess Manicure and Pedicure!She loved every. single. second. She picked all of her favorite colors - hot pink and "turk-a-poise" for her fingers and purple, with flowers on each big toe for her tootsies. She stayed perfectly still and kept thanking the lady who did her nails.
We came home to find a surprise that daddy picked up for her:
After some lunch Leila took a very long, very much-needed nap. After her nap we played a little bit more dress up, and then went to dinner at the California Pizza Kitchen.
We all had a lot of fun on Leila's birthday!!
*sweet shoppe party pictures coming tomorrow*
Oh. My. Goodness. Leila is SO precious! I love that she thanked the lady doing her nails. ;) Hey, I haven't ever had a real pedicure, so she's doing good!
what a FUN, FUN, FUN birthday for Miss Leila! You are such an awesome mom for taking her to get a mani/pedi! I don't know if Kate would sit through that!
I thought Teri & Heather were such girly girls growing up, but Leila is much more girly and leaves them in her dust. She loves being all girl and that great.
What a fun birthday!! I love tony and Leila's father/daughter relationship!
what a perfect, perfect day.
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