Monday, November 2, 2009

500th post GIVEAWAY!

This is my 500th post....wowza!  I didn't know I had 500 different things to write about, but however random and pointless they were I did.  As a thank you to those of you who have checked out my little bloggy blog sometime throughout the last 500 posts I want to give you something....
How's about one of my new Simply Charming necklaces?  Actually, how's about I give TWO of you one of my new Simply Charming necklaces?!

Want to win?  Here's how:

1. Leave a comment on this post - say whatever you want!
2. Blog about this giveaway
3. Tweet about it
4. Let your friends on Facebook know
5. Follow me on Twitter (you'll have to do a follow request - let me know you found me through this blog!)
6. Send me something fabulous to celebrate my 500th post.  Just kidding.  Kind of.

Make sure to leave a seperate comment for EACH entry.  A winner will be chosen through next Monday, November 9.  (How is it already November?!)  GIVEAWAY CLOSED - thank you to all who entered!

Good luck!


Cindi said...

whatever you want!

Cindi said...

Already following you on twitter

Cindi said...

I tweeted

Tara said...

i love reading your random thoughts! :)

Gussy Sews said...

I tweeted this!

Gussy Sews said...

And I follow you! :)

Anonymous said...

Lets see following you on twitter.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 500th post!!

Ashley Newell said...

Happy 500th post!

Ashley Newell said...

I have tweeted!

Ashley Newell said...

I have posted on FB too!

Anonymous said...

Happy 500 Heather!!!!

Anonymous said...

My post did not show up. anyway....


Anonymous said...

I tweeted (lowools Im already a follower)

janessa said...

I *heart* giveaways! Congrats on #500!

janessa said...

and... posted on twitter :) username janessao

Ashley said...

Congrats on your 500th post. Hope I get that far! Hope I win!!

-Ashley Garrett

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Oh yes, please count me in!

Congrats on your 500 posts, Heather! I jut posted #205, I think. My one year blogiversary is coming up Nov. 14th, and I'm trying to plan something fun for that. Yay!

thesweetestpetunia AT gmail DOT com

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

I tweeted! I'm thesweetpetunia. =)

thesweetestpetunia AT gmail DOT com

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Sent you a request on Twitter. I love your jewelry, and I would love to follow you there, too! ;D { thesweetpetunia }

thesweetestpetunia AT gmail DOT com

Ashley said...

I Requested to follow you on Twitter.


Four Fit Sisters said...

I can't WAIT to get to my 500th post. I think I am only on like 10! I have a lot of work to do :)

Cynthia said...

Congrats! I follow your blog.

Cynthia said...

I follow you on twitter ;)

Julie said...

Love your blog and your jewelry!

Julia Emerson said...

Congrats H!

Julia Emerson said...

Listed on FB as well!

Anonymous said...

I love your Etsy shop and reading the blog! happy 500!!

Anonymous said...

Posted a tweet!

Anonymous said...

posted on Facebook

Anonymous said...

I posted on myspace too if that counts :o)

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congrats on 500 posts! Thank you for the chance to win!!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your 500th postin, so exciting. I love the Whoooooo do you love charm necklace on Simply Charming. I noticed on Twitter that your tweets are protected so I couldn't follow. :( I'm @Fettbot. Check out my blog:!

Unknown said...

I sent a Twitter follower request. I'm @ Fettbot. Congrats again!

Unknown said...

Love the cupcake necklace too. Do you mind if I use your Etsy picture for my Christmas list blog?

Emily Ann said...

Love your blog and your jewelry!

Emily Ann said...


Emily Ann said...

I already follow you on Twitter!

Gina said...

I love those necklaces! I'm in!

Gina said...

I already follow you on Twitter. :)

Gina said...

And I tweeted about the giveaway!

Tegan | Celebrate Twelve13 said...

I might just need to have that Whooo do you love charm necklace... see my blog! :)

Gina said...

And I posted about it!

Wendy said...

I love your blog! Conggrats on 500 posts! That's awesome!

Mrs. Curtis said...

yay for giveaways!

Jacci said...

I'm a long time follower! Your cupcake connoisseur necklace is on my christmas list!

Jacci said...

I already follow you on twitter too :) Have an awesome day!

G Unit Momma said...

Yay for 500! Your blog is fun!

G Unit Momma said...

I posted on FB

G Unit Momma said...

I requested to follow you on twitter.

Ashley Newell said...

Here's my blog post girlie.

Erica said...

My first comment: seriously 500 posts?! Gosh I remember like it was yesterday and you setting it all up. :) Congrats on what is one my most favorite blogs to follow!! :)

Erica said...

Facebook-status-updated it! Is that a new word?! ;)

Alison said...

I can't believe I don't have one of your pieces yet!!

jan farnworth said...

fablous blog

jan farnworth said...

blogged about you on my blog

Jenn said...

500 WOW! congrats

Tara said...

i blogged about it! :)

Veronica said...

Happy 500th!!

Marta @ Haus of Girls said...

So impressed!
LOVE you and your blog!

Marta @ Haus of Girls said...

You know I follow you on Twitter :)

Marta @ Haus of Girls said...

Just tweeted about it!

Marta @ Haus of Girls said...

Facebooked it!!!

The Shmoopies said...

This is my winning entry, I can tell! ;)

The Shmoopies said...

I Facebooked this giveaway! Now give me my prize!

Stephanie C. said...

Congrats on 500 posts! I love this giveaway!

Stephanie C. said...


Stephanie C. said...


Stephanie C. said...

twitter follower!

Tara said...

facebooked it. :)

Reynolds11103 said...

I would love to win! :)

Lisa said...

Congratulations on 500 posts!! I love reading your blog! XOXO

Ashley Newell said...

I follow you on Twitter.

PS I'll need your address if you want me to send something. :)

Unknown said...

I tweeted about your sweet giveaway: @Fettbot

Check out Angel Face Designs for a cute necklace giveaway for her 500th post!

Unknown said...

I also announced it on Facebook!

Melissa said...

Oh how id love to win one of these!! i love the under the boardwalk one!! pick me!

Unknown said...

I blogged about your wonderful giveaway:

Anonymous said...

pick me, pick me!!!!!
So happy I found your blog, by the way!

Anonymous said...

Following you on TWITTER!

Bubs's Blog said...

Can't believe you are at 500! I remember when you started this awesome blog!!! I'll post this on FB too!


Jess said...

Happy 500th!!!!!

Autumn said...

I'm just posting to tell you I wub you and so proud of you!!

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE one of your pieces!!!

Anonymous said...

And I follow you on twitter!!

Unknown said...

While perusing your blog, Cami is chanting, "Otto! Otto! Otto!" bc my ILs have a pomeranian that looks very similar to your white puppy. Happy #500th!!! I still get tons of compliments on my gorgeous AngelFace necklace :)

Kelly | Fabulous K said...

PICK MEEEEEEE! Please and thank you.


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