Friday, October 23, 2009

4 years

4 years ago today I married my best friend

During those four years we got our crazy dog, Ramon

Had our precious Leila

You got your dream job

and I got mine

we bought a house

got another crazy pup

and now have another little girl on the way

I'm so lucky to be your wife.  Thank you for the last four years {of marriage, eleven years of being together} and for everything that we have accomplished together.  I love you so much and am so lucky to get to spend the rest of my life with you!


Anonymous said...

happy 4 years and YAY for another girl!!!

Baby Jay's Adventures said...

Happy Anniversary! Congratulations!!

mel @ the larson lingo said...

Happy Anniversary!!!

Aurora said...

Congratulations! Sounds like you have had an amazing 4 years. :) I wish you many, many more to come!

Rachel said...

Awwwwwww! Happy anniversary!!

Dolce Baci said...

Oh my gosh that was the sweetest post..I almost cried! Happy Anniversary!

Lisa said...

Happy, Happy Anniversary!!

Tara said...

you guys have a lot to show for 4 years! congrats on everything! you seriously are so blessed. you have built the most perfect life.

Teri said...

Happy Anniversary to my sweet girl and her adorable hubby that we love so very much !! You married the most perfect guy for you. It has been so much fun to watch you two grow up together for the last 11 years,and yes I do forgive Tony for many shirts ruined by the clay in art class. Who could have know that was the start of any amazing couple. Such a perfect family with our little Leila and Gianna on the way. We love you all so much !!!

Jacci said...

so sweet. love that your dream job is to be a mom :) happy anniversary!

JoAnn V. ( said...

Super sweet! Happy belated anniversary! :)

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! Love you both so much!

SAM said...

Awwww...that is the sweetest post! Love all of the pics, especially the one of you getting your dream job. :-) Happy Anniversary to one of the cutest couples I know!


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