Monday, July 20, 2009


So, I was at Target this afternoon stocking up on random household thing. Two of the things on my list were toothbrush for Tony, and some razors for myself. Normal enough, right? I bought the razors and toothbrush - just grabbed whatever was on sale - and went home. I took the razors out of the package and noticed a weird (gross) smell. was coming from the razor. I read the package and sure enough they were melon-scented. Who would want scented razors? I just don't get it, and the fact that I don't like melons or their smells didn't help. Then I took the toothbrush out of the package and it was scented too! This one wasn't as bad - just smelled like dental floss, but still weird.

Has anyone else noticed random, scented products?! I guess I'll be paying more attention!


Erica said...

Umm, the scented razor is certainly random, but the scented toothbrush?? That's just bizarre!

Sparlo said...

Their was a time they were selling scented toilet paper, and kleenex which only made me sneez even more. Maybe that was to point to sell more Kleenex.

Anonymous said...

LOL the kids have scented tootbrushes. The curious george ones smell like bananas. Scented razors? I can see that. Its kind of like scented shaving cream I would think. Still funny!

Candice said...

I bought some bubbles for my kids from the dollar tree and they were strawberry sented. i thought that was wierd since they can barley catch a bubble let alone be able to smell it!

Krulls in Haiti said...

Gross! I pretty much hate anything scented that really doensn't need a scent, such as toilet paper. I have never seen scented razors... I'll make sure to steer clear!

Jennifer said...

I found your blog through Joy's Hope. I love your Etsy shop! Nice work!

Unknown said...

LoL!!! Scented stuff is usually great...but both of those things show they're starting to carry it too far....haha....too funny :)


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