Little Miss Leila was lucky enough to meet all of her favorite characters, and then some! (Her favorites, in order are: Tinkerbell, Ariel and Goofy.) She met a handfull of characters in the park, and met the rest at The Lilo and Stitch character breakfast (she kept calling Lilo "Hawaiian girl" and Stitch "Hawaiian Lambie"), the Ariel's Grotto princess dinner. She looooved meeting the princesses - she showed them all her multi-colored fingernails, and the flower in her hair. She said "thank you so much" to all of them after they signed her autograph book, and even curtseyed! (sp?) Cinderella told her she had princess-perfect manners, which just made Leila's day! On mine and Tony's last day in Disneyland we went to Goofy's Kitchen, where Leila made some more friends, and especially loved Alice (from Wonderland) and Chip! In order not to have a zillion pictures I made them into collages. Click on the collage for a larger view!
Unbelievably cute!! I especially love the one of her showing off her nails to Ariel ;)
AWESOME pics!!
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