Help me out here, people.... I'm looking for some new books. I go through books like water (bought "Lovehampton" and "The Wedding Girl" less than a week ago and finished them both...) and am thinking of possibly venturing out of my cookie-cutter chick lit. I have heard so many raves over the "Twilight" series but have not (yet) taken the bait. I watched the movie and wasn't into it until the last twenty minutes. I'm not a big fan of the leading guy (I think he said he looks like he has the clap, right ladies?) or the brooding girl, BUT they were just characters in the movie. I've been kind of proud of myself for not jumping on the Twilight bandwagon (which is kind of lame itself, no?) but I don't know what to read next.
Pros of reading them:
*there's four, so I'll be occupied for a while
*I can probably borrow them from someone, saving myself quite a bit of money
*I think the movie characters may have ruined the book characters for me
*I'm not a tween
Please help me decide!
You know what my answer is already. The movie characters didn't ruin it for me and there is so much about the relationship between bella and edward that the movie never touched that really pulls you in. I've read it 3x...what does that tell you?
I though these books were cheesetastic. Pretty poorly written and basically the longest things ever. The romance is vomit inducing. BUT. I read all four. So what does that tell you? I don't know... After the first one, I wanted to know what happened.
The twilight saga is addictive...it is a sick addiction that gives you the compulsion to stay up when you should be sleeping just to get through another chapter. The books are so much better than the movie. I always get so excited about movies based on good books, only to be disappointed because nothing is as good as my imagination.
Have you read Francine Rivers the Mark of the Lion Series? so unbelievably good...a little hard to get into the first couple of chapters b/c is is a little historical, but so worth it!
I am the wrong person to ask... read them. wondered why. but everyone loves them. I suppose I am the weird one??? Bella BUGGED me!! Edward was more creepy and psycho obsessive than romantic, and an 8th grader could have written them.
But I read all four, so what does that say???
Hi, I saw that you posted on Joy's Hope...about this. I am 30 years old and I was not about to read this collection of books. I begrudgingly read the first one....and now yep, like another person said...addicted! I'm not even sure why! I did not like the movie as much as I thought because of "Bella's" facial tics. They are a quick read though....
i am probably in the minority here but i couldnt get past the 4th chapter in the first book. it was so boring to me and it was like a freshman in hs wrote it. i dunno, i couldnt get into it. i tried.
I recently read Twilight while on vacation! I hadn't read a book in so long, and I'm hooked. I just bought New Moon, but now that I'm not on vacation, I never have a moment to pick it up. However...I am sure looking forward to that moment! :) I'm a teenager at heart, so I'm all over it. Not big on the vampire thing, but it's the love story that sucks you in. Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)
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