Saturday, March 21, 2009

We're grown ups now

We are officially grown ups...we signed up for daily newspaper delivery. Our first paper came today. Yes I'm excited, yes I know I'm weird. I'm excited for all of the ads tomorrow!

Can I get a what what?


SAM said...

People still get the paper? ;-) Just kidding. Yay for Sunday circulars and coupons!

April said...

LOL that the paper = grown ups. I had you at grown up when you got the house!! Hehehe...congrats again! And enjoy your Sunday ads : )

Tara said...

ur too cute! i can totally relate to that feeling...with this baby coming in a week, i feel like all of a sudden we're grown ups. when did this happen? wasnt it just yesterday when we were in mrs keegans ROP class discussing makeup?!


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