Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Caught in my panties

This afternoon the UPS man delivered the new jeans I ordered a few days ago. Since I ordered them online and couldn't try them on I didn't know quite how they would fit, so I was excited to try them on excited to try them on, in fact that I had to do it right where I was the kitchen. No biggie, except that I forgot to pull the shade down from our huge kitchen window. A 16-year-old(ish) kid walked by which is what made me notice, and of course I had only my shirt and panties on. Of course, he happened to look in. Eek!

At least I got a thumbs up.

And just in case you're wondering, the jeans are super cute.


Tara said...

LMAO!!!!!!!!!! heather that is the funniest post i have read in a long time!!

i loooove your blog! your family is so beautiful! i am so happy for you, you seem SOOOO happy!


Tara said...

p.s. give me your email, i am making my blog private, so i wanna add you to the people who CAN view it. =)


Tara said...

it just occured to me you may not have MY email to send me YOUR email (i deleted my myspace).


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