1. Wet, slobbery baby kisses (even while your hair is being pulled) are the best kisses in the world
2. I can leave the house without makeup on
3. A thirty minute bath, with a glass of wine and a magazine really is heavenly
4. Do not wake a sleeping baby if you want them to fall asleep again, any time within the next three hours
5. That listening to my husband talk/sing/make goofy noises to Leila, over the monitor is the best entertainment in the world. It is also incredibly sweet. Another great thing about the baby monitor is baby farts. You never know when you're going to hear one, so when you do it's like a stinky, little treat. Hearing your perfect, little angel toot over the monitor is laugh out loud funny.
6. The dishes can wait
7. That I will drive way out of my way to get to a drive-through. Caffino, especially. I don't care if I have Tully's less than a minute away - driving through Tully's is fabulous when I don't feel like getting Leila in and out of the car. They know my order, and Ramon always gets a couple of treats. Long live Caffino.
8. Getting puked on by your baby (even in the mouth, in the hair, down the shirt) is far better than having someone you don't know puke anywhere near you.
9. I don't know very many lullabies. Leila loves when I sing to her, so when I've run through the two lullabies I know ("Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and "Rockaby Baby") I move onto songs I do know. Leila is going to think "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go," "Material Girl" and "This is How We Do It" are classic children's songs. Poor thing.
10. Spending an hour at the nail salon getting my nails and toes done can do wonders for a tired Mama. I always come home refreshed.
11. Changing a diaper really isn't that bad
12. That I would rather have the it diaper bag, or the it stroller rather than the latest, greatest it bag. Let's face it, I'll never stop loving my Marc Jacobs, but right now I'd rather have a Marc Jacobs diaper bag than a Marc Jacobs Venetia bag or Stam bag. I'd still take either one, though...especially a new Venetia in a rich, chocolate brown.
13. I've learned that I am capable of loving my daughter more than I ever knew I could love anything. That I am willing to do whatever it takes to keep her healthy, safe and happy, and that I will continue to love her more and more every single day of her life.
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